“Domestic company” means an Indian company, or any other company which, in respect of its income liable to tax under this Act, has made the prescribed arrangements for the declaration and payment, within India, of the dividends (including dividends on preference shares) payable out of such income.
Any distribution by a company of accumulated profits, whether capitalised or not, if such distribution entails the release by the company to its shareholders of all or any part of the assets of the company,any distribution to its shareholders by a company of debentures, debenture-stock, or deposit certificates….
Demerger means all the properties and liabilities of the undertaking, being transferred by the demerged company, immediately before the demerger, becomes the property of the resulting company by virtue of the demerger…
Co-operative society is a society which has as its object the promotion of the economic interests of its members in accordance with co-operative principles, or a society established with the object of facilitating the operations of such a society.
if it is a company owned by the Government or the Reserve Bank of India or in which not less than forty per cent of the shares are held (whether singly or taken together) by the Government or the Reserve Bank of India or a corporation owned by that bank ; or
COMPANY 2(17) Definition “Company” means— (i) any Indian company, or (ii) any body corporate incorporated by or under the laws of a country outside India, or (iii) any institution, association or body which is or was assessable or was assessed as a company for any assessment year under the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 of…
CHILD 2(15B) Defintion “child”, in relation to an individual, includes a step-child and an adopted child of that individual ;] explanation: step child- a child of one’s husband or wife by a previous marriage.
CHARITABLE PURPOSE 2(15) Meaning Charitable purpose means working towards any act of general public utility. Charitable institutions and donations towards charitable purposes is elegible for tax exemptions or for claiming deductions. Definition “charitable purpose”includes relief of the poor, education, medical relief, [preservation of environment (including watersheds, forests and wildlife) and preservation of monuments or places…
Capital Asset-2(14)
Capital Asset means assets not connected with business or profession or used for personal use or prescribed securities. Usually capital assets will be used for a period more than one year. Sale proceeds from capital assets constitute Capital Gain.
Books or Books of Account-2(12A)
Books or books of account” includes ledgers, day-books, cash books, account-books and other books,used to keep accounting records